How to start a video meeting in the free version of Microsoft Teams - The Verge

How to start a video meeting in the free version of Microsoft Teams - The Verge

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How to Set Up a Microsoft Teams Meeting for First-Time Users 


Set up a video call with microsoft teams

  Turn your group video call into a virtual shared space and see your friends and family in the same place with Together mode. 1 Choose from environments such as a café, resort, or lounge. Start a video call instantly and invite anyone to join, . Mar 19,  · A pop-up will open | Click Devices You can now perform a test call by clicking " Make a test call ", to verify the performance of your "headphone". After the test Teams will give you a summary of the test call, if you're happy with the results your good to go, if not try changing the audio device, then perform the test again. To start a call: From the Chat tab, select the chat with the person you want to call. If you’re not currently in a chat with someone, you’ll need to start a chat to call them. From the top of your chat, tap to start either a Video or Audio call.    


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